Wondering about the fat filling process

The fat filling procedure is trying to inject the person’s fat cells into the required area with the help of thin cannulas. Usually, the fat cells we take from the abdomen or hips are passed through several processes and made suitable for injection.

We apply the oil filling, especially in the face area. Lips, cheekbones, forehead, chin area, temples. Apart from these, we also recommend oil filling to our patients who come for hand wrinkles. We can apply it to almost any area. The advantage of fat filling is higher levels of permanence. Of course, living tissue transfer must be done very well for this.

The process is completed in 1-2 hours on average. There may be slight swelling in the area of ​​filling. However, do not worry, these swelling lasts for a few days at most and there is no swelling that will affect your social life. On the day of the procedure, you can leave your home or even continue working. Of course, we recommend that those who do sports take an average of 1-week rest. Then they can return to their active sports life.



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